Curly hair has the advantage of looking fuller, whether nature provided you with curly hair or you had to create it yourself. Our styling tips help you to showcase curls to your best advantage and to keep their somewhat unruly nature within acceptable boundaries
Curls went in and out of fashion through the ages. Today, stylish curls may well become the new trend in hair fashion. Right now, curly tops are not so common and stand out in the crowd. Unless men with curly hair go for the ‘wild mountain man look’, they need to find the most suitable and attractive style for their particular curls.
With only a little practice, styling curly hair is fast and easy. Few styling products are required to create attractive curly hairstyles. In many cases, curls can be simply shaped with the fingers and then kept in shape with hair wax. Other trendy hairstyles for men with curls involve a little more styling. Curls in the new preppy style are an example. The ‘preppy wave’ originated at US American east coast universities. This type of hairstyle is accurate without being fratty or square. The style features a layered haircut with simple contours.